Dear Beautyful Retailers,

We're halfway through our adventures galavanting at Autumn Fair and despite our aching feet (Dr Foot to the rescue) and the beautiful bags under our eyes, we're back at it for another day meeting and greeting you gorgeous beings!
We heard squeals of excitement from some of our newbie customers (hiya, how ya doin') looking at the pretty colours and beautiful scents galore.
We like to think of it as the perfect opportunity to come along, have a natter about the weather and smell our full range of products PLUS get our exclusive inside views on our top sellers and faves (& put faces to voices if you're one of our regular lovelies!).
We also have 'The Face Of Bomb' making a star edition here at the NEC in Birmingham this week, who if you ask nicely will have a model-esque photo taken with you (much like the ones you can have taken in a certain store that really needs to turn their lights on). Ahem.
You can find us in
Hall 5, Stand F02-G03. We're placed opposite a gorgeous home interiors company with the most stunning copper interiors and beautiful ceramics. We'd love one of the Copper Clocks ourselves if you wanted to buy us a little gift...