Hi Bomb Babes! It's Meg here, from
Coffee with Meg, and I today I wanted to share with you my top 5 tips on how to stay organised during the festive period.
There is no denying that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! And now the countdown has begun, the advent calendars are being opened and the festive films are on, Christmas really isn't far!

There are lots of beautiful lights, great food and best of all, if you’re super lucky, you get to spend quality time with your friends and family, but with all that loveliness it can also be a bit stressful.
So, with this in mind, here are my top 5 tips on how to get the most out of the festive period and how I stay organised!
1: Start your Christmas shopping early!
This is a great tip for lots of reasons; Starting your Christmas shopping early will not only give you more time to shop for your loved ones, but if you start gradually picking up a few gifts here and there a few months prior to Christmas, your bank balance will thank you for it, instead of the one big hit in December!
2: Brown paper packages tied up with string...
I have recently converted to brown paper to wrap all my gifts in. It is much more affordable than buying lots of different coloured wrapping paper rolls. it’s also better for the environment because you can recycle it, unlike usual wrapping paper; and finally, it looks beautiful and oh so classic!
Add some brown string, or a red bow and you’re good to go!
3: Lists aren’t just for Father Christmas!
It’s not just Father Christmas who keeps lists around this time of year! I love writing to do lists and shopping lists. Having a Christmas present or Christmas grocery list for that matter, is a life saver as it’s easy to forget what you need when you’re tackling the crowds.
4: What’s that under the tree...
Similar to starting your shopping early, I also start my wrapping early. Once I've bought a few presents I start to wrap them. I'll usually wrap 3 or 4 at a time so I don’t get overwhelmed with bows and labels!
5: Christmas treats
If you’re anything like me, I'd recommend putting off buying festive treats (aka quality streets and those lovely biscuit tins) until just before Christmas, as you’ll 100% eat them before you’re meant to!
That’s everything! Short but sweet. I hope you enjoyed this post and got some inspiration from my top tips!
Merry Christmas! Until next time,