Stress Less

Stress Less

Everyone experiences stress in their lives; it's a completely natural human reaction when things are just getting too damn much. Stress can have an effect on our mental, physical and emotional well-being, and whilst we can't give you more hours in the day to get every task nicely ticked off your to-do list, we do have a few things that can be done to help relieve the symptoms of stress.

Stress Less
  1. HAVE A BATH. Shock, horror, we bet you weren't expecting that one were you?! Honestly though, if you've ever tried one of our Blasters or Melts in the tub, you'll know what we mean. The beautiful combination of essential oils we use in all our products are carefully selected to bring you the most relaxing experience possible.
  2. A LITTLE AT HOME MASSAGE. Courtesy of Bomb Cosmetics Massage Bars. If you're anything like us and your muscles tense up when you're stressed, you need one of these! They're made almost entirely out of super moisturising cocoa butter that melts at body temperature (one of our fave multi-purpose products!). Effective enough to do yourself (try the backs of your shoulders - ahh bliss), but feel free to get a pal on board to make it an even more relaxing experience *calls mum*.
  3. JUST HAVE A NICE CUP OF TEA AND A BISCUIT. Because we can't think of ANY event in our lives that hasn't been made just a little bit easier just by having a good ol' cuppa. A hug in a mug we like to say.
  4. GET A BIT OF FRESH AIR. We're lucky enough to live by the beach and the countryside, which basically means we get the best of both worlds when it comes to walking locations. Wherever you're situated though, it's totally beneficial to just get out of the house and have a bit of a wander. Bonus: You're likely to stumble across dog walkers and everybody knows dog walkers are always super friendly and say hello and that's always a nice thing.
  5. TAKE A BREAK. If your stress levels are getting too high, it's time to take a break. If you physically hurt yourself by tripping over and twisting your ankle, you'd be advised to rest. Same story for when you're feeling a bit mentally hurt. Just trust us.
How do you overcome the feeling of stress? sam