Our New Fave Bedtime Product #SneakPeek
Brace yourself.
Our new collection has almost landed, and to be honest, we think it's our best yet. With nearly 40 new products due out oh so very soon, today we felt like teasing you with just a little taster of what's to come.
Baby Shower Shower Gel, £7.99
This nostalgic scent of baby powder will leave you feel as soft as a babys bum, and send you off to the land of nod in no time at all.
As with all of our Shower Gels, this beauty is super gentle to use thanks to its pH neutral formula, and contains gorgeous essential oils such as chamomile and clary sage which will leave you feeling calm and relaxed. Bliss.
Can't wait until launch day? We don't blame you. Let the countdown begin!
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