National Hobby Month!
So Bomb Babes! I've joined the gym, given up chocolate, chucked out the wine, ditched the Xbox playing boyfriend, and booked a one way flight to Thailand. It's a New Year, New Me...
Just kiddin', I only booked the one way flight to Thailand! Joking aside, January is the month of unfulfilled resolutions. We've all been there, signing up to the gym and the only thing you work out is what your getting from Domino's. Swearing that this is the year you'll go travelling, see the world, but the furthest you get is watching Planet Earth with David Attenborough.

January is also known as
National Hobby Month and what better excuse than to try something you've always dreamed of doing. If your already do an activity which you enjoy, then why not take a friend with you and introduce them to a new hobby. We've turned into a generation where people no longer know how to do things for pure enjoyment, to take an hour out of your day to participate in something which you really enjoy. And no before you ask - binge watching Netflix is not a hobby! It's an obsession, a trend.
Here's a list of our
2016 2017 hobby ideas!
- Learn a language. After all, if you plan on going traveling you really need to learn a word or two! "More Wine!"
- Sailing! Go on, Dunk-in Sailor, the open sea will do you good.
- Sewing - find your Bomb-jamin Buttons and fix that coat.
- Paint something beautiful. Painting is very therapeutic, even if you aren't good at it - it's the perfect way to unwind after a long day.
- Blogging is the perfect hobby if you like to express yourself. Passionate about fashion? Food? Why not use social media to express your views and to connect with people who also share a common interest. Before you know it, you'll be the next Zoella. #TweetMe

Here at Bomb HQ, we challenge you to find a hobby you like to do and do it. Stick to it (for at least 3 months).