So Bomb babes, have we got good news for you! Today is a very special day, and no before you start guessing - there isn’t a flash sale, but it is National Men Make Dinner Day (and trust us, this is equally as good!). It’s the one day where you can sit back and relax whilst using our Bomb products. Not only can you use them, but seeing as your man is busy slaving away in the kitchen, you can borrow his credit card to order a shizzle load more – yaaassss it’s a great day!
We can’t tell you how long we’ve been waiting for this day to arrive, all we want is for our dinner to be ready and on the table when we get home – amazeballs! It’s a massive weight off our shoulders and something else we don’t have to worry about. If you are a hard worker, full time mum, or even none of those… either way you deserve to be treated and what better way to be treated than given food! The way to a woman’s heart is food after all. If your man (or Dad/Brother!) doesn’t cook for you, then send him in our direction and we’ll send him packing honey – because our Bomb babes deserve the best!
So to kick start Men Make Dinner Day, we think it’s the perfect opportunity to use
Petal Perfect face wash, Rosy Cheeks face scrub, French Kiss clay mask and then finished off with
Paradise Skin face lotion. Your face will feel and show the stresses of the day most, so please take care of your skin, if you show it some proper luvin’ we guarantee you’ll shine bright like a diamond, and totes be killin’ it.

B’s Top Tip: If you’ve been on your feet all day, try some of our
Tippy Toes Foot Treatment, all you have to do is coat your feet in a thin layer and then put on some warm fluffy soaks! This is the perfect way to help your feet absorb the cream and it leaves them feeling hydrated and super soft.
After you have relaxed to the max and
mallowed out - you can grab the laptop, swipe your man’s credit card, and shop until we are out of stock! In case you are unsure on what to buy, let us just share with you a few
necessities! So
Darling buds, in order to feel
fab-u-lous we are going have a little
heart 2 heart with you. We don’t want you to worry about how
bedazzled your man is going to be when he finds out, you deserve to be treated - because
Baby you’re a star. So, you'll be
tickled pink to know that you are really
living the high life; a ready cooked meal, silky smooth skin and refreshed feet, you really have gone from being the
ugly duckling to a
little princess.
Let us know what your other half, or even Dad/Brother cooked for you! We are
very berry excited to hear from you.