Top tips on how to release your inner mermaid!

Top tips on how to release your inner mermaid!

Top tips on how to release your inner mermaid!

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Bomb Cosmetics Blog! I’m guesting on here today from my blog mermaidmoonchild, I'm apart of the #BombBabeSquad and today I am going to be giving you some top tips on how to release your inner true mermaid self. Tip One: All mermaids love their shiny holographic things basically a human version of a magpie or should I say a mermaid version of a magpie? Adding some sparkle and glimmer to your wardrobe and accessories will feed your inner mermaid, I like to wear this sliver metallic skirt as it makes me feel like I have the mermaid tale I have always longed for. Tip Two: Mermaids LOVE their homes to smell fresh and tropical just like their homeland (the beach), this is where this summery scented candle comes in of my personal choice is the Shimmering Sands, I mean just look at it! It looks good enough to eat (please don’t eat it). Tip Three: Something I always see mermaids in movies do is take pride in their hair, most typically styled in loose beach waves. Styling your hair in beach waves is a great way to meet your inner mermaid, also the loose waves remind me of waves within the sea!   Tip Four: GLITTER! If the shiny outfit accessories weren’t enough you can add a sprinkle of glitter to your makeup look! I recommend adding a sparkle to eye makeup look or you could be like me and go full mermaid mode and transform yourself into your true self, maybe for Halloween?  (Mermaid’s Delight Bath Blaster). Tip Five: Mermaids like yourself love the sea but unfortunately not all us live near the beach, that’s where the bath comes in (my second home of course the sea is my first home) this Mermaids Delight Bath Blaster will be sure to transport you to mermaid paradise right from the comfort of your own home!   Thank you for reading! I hope I inspired you to let your inner mermaid out – Mermaidmoonchild x