Hello lovelies, welcome back to the Bomb Cosmetics blog! It’s Meg, from Coffeewithmeg.co.uk . One of my favourite things to do is snuggle up and get cosy, so I thought I’d share my tips on how I relax after a long day at work. It’s official, we have waved goodbye to summer now and autumn is well and truly upon us. For most, that brings dread, but not for me. I absolutely LOVE autumn and winter! The cosy evenings in, the crisp, colourful leaves and the endless, guilt free hot drinks BRING. IT. ON. Since I recently read ‘The little book of Hygge’ I thought I’d share my favourite things to do when I’m needing a little ‘me time’ and want more Hygge in my life.
First things first, I am a strong believer in the saying ‘Tidy room, tidy mind’. I cannot begin to even think about unwinding until the space around me is tidy. When I get ready in the mornings I tend to make a bit of a mess, so in the evening when I get home I have a super quick tidy. Only when this is done will I begin to feel more relaxed and ready to chill.
Planning & Lists
Another thing I like to do (usually on a Sunday evening) is plan out my week in my planner. This helps me to feel more organised and thus, more ready to face the week. I plan out what blog posts I need to write, what photos need to be taken and edited and any other bits and pieces that is going on throughout that week. Now for the more relaxing part, and yep, you guessed it…
Candles are an absolute must. I pretty much have candles lit every single evening after I come home from work. They’re super cosy and make me feel instantly more content and relaxed. If you’re a coffee lover, I recommend the warm Espresso Candle. It has the most beautiful earthy smell of freshly brewed coffee, which leaves your whole house smelling good enough to eat…well, drink. My second favourite is the Rainy Days Candle, which is nice if you enjoy more of a subtle, fresh scent.

Bubble Baths
I am such a sucker for a hot bubble bath, especially in the colder months. I like discovering and trying new bath/shower products, and I think this is why I love baths so much, because I usually have an endless supply of goodies to try out! My go to bath product is the Honey Glow Bubble Bath, It’s scent is heavenly, not to mention the masses of light, soft bubbles it creates.
Comfy Clothing/Pyjamas
So recently I have re-discovered matching pyjamas sets. I usually just throw on a T-shirt for bed, but after I bought a gorgeous matching pink bumblebee set, I am loving getting into them. I suppose its sort of the same feeling as when you wear matching underwear, you kind of feel like you’ve got your sh*t together.
Films, Books and Magazines
I love nothing more than switching off from the world and entering an entirely new one. Whether that be getting lost in a good book, flicking through your favourite magazine, or simply watching a film, there is no better feeling than getting out the bath, changing into clean pyjamas’, lighting a few candles and snuggling up to watch a film or read a book.
I don’t know what it is about holding a hot mug in my hands, but it makes me feel instantaneously more cosy and at peace. I have discovered a new found love of calming camomile tea and would recommend giving this a go as a nightcap. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post. What are your favourite ways to unwind? Love,