BOO-tiful Potions
The Wonderful Witches of Bomb Cosmetics have been slaving over a hot cauldron preparing a variety of B00-tiful potions to arouse your haunted house with spiritual scentses...
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An artistic blend of Morning Coffee mixed with our Limited Edition Spiced Pumpkin and a healthy dose of Whipped Cream to top it off.[/caption]
Now we're not sure if you know this, but there's a drink available at a sort of well-known coffee house that does this Pumpkin Spiced beverage which is classed as the 'Falls Official Beverage'.
Anyway, we hear it's
kind of a big deal in like the whole world. So in true BC style we've done what we do best and decided to bring the taste of fall in to your home in scent form. We won't blame you if you schedule in a sick day so you can sit by your burner and just breathe this scent in all day long. Living. The. Fall. Dream.
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A warming blend of Amber with fruity notes of Raspberry Ripple and calming Delicate White Tea.[/caption]
A mystical blend created to cast a spell over all who breathe in this magical brew, relax as your mind is spirited away in a comfortable cloud of pleasure!
We feel relaxed just reading that excerpt. Dreamy.
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Simple Sugar & Spice Doughnuts washed down with a glass of Cider.[/caption]
Doughnuts = good. Warm doughnuts with a Sugar & Spice topping = better.
In fact, just thinking about eating one of these in front of a blazing fire, feeling all toasty and loving life with a glass of Cider in hand has given us tingly feelings in our hearts.
Just please make sure you do us a favour before melting this combo of Hotties, ok? Make sure you actually have some doughnuts on hand to nibble/gobble in one so when it comes to melty melty time, you won't be licking the wax because it smells so damn good.