The Bomb Babes reveal their most awkward moment! Eek!
The Bomb Babes reveal their most awkward moment! Eek!
I was in the lift at work when the big boss walked in. He said ‘hello’ so I said hello back, he then started to ask how I was and if I had a good weekend, so I thought, oh good chance to build some rapport. I continued to ramble on about what I’d done at the weekend and when I came to ask him he just mouthed at me ‘I’m on the phone.’ I then had to stand there in silence whilst other lift-users stared at me sharing my discomfort and embarrassment. - Amelia
I was around 11 years old in high school and had just managed to pluck up the courage to speak to my crush at the time, he was no doubt the most popular boy in school and after some much needed support off of my friends I went up to him at lunch time. I said hello ( barely ) and he said hello back but he was looking at me a little oddly and before I knew it he said in front of all my friends and his * oh you have snot coming from your nose * I died of embarrassment and awkwardness, I didn’t even say anything I just walked away and tried to avoid him for the next 4 years! It was like a scene out of Angus thongs and perfect snogging...tragic! - Hayley from Mermaid Moon Child
“Now I have A LOT of awkward moments, but for me the one that sticks out the most is when I was in Florida a few years back. I stupidly forgot (total face palm) to eat or drink anything in the very hot and humid Florida sun, plus we spent hours walking around the park. We got near to the exit when I started to feel a bit odd, having passed out before (yep I’m one of those people who doesn’t learn from their mistakes!) I knew what was coming.
I practically yelled “I’m going to pass out” to my boyfriend before I slumped on the ground in front of a lot of people coming both in and out of the park. When I woke up there was a very kind women trying to eagerly pour her water down my throat but all I could see was everyone staring at me, not to mention I was wearing a skirt that day and I was worried I had revealed to all. If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, I had to be wheeled back through the park in a wheelchair by medical staff to be checked out. I had quite the adventure that day!” - Stephanie from The Little Cup of Kindness
“My awkward moment is when I was looking through someone’s Instagram and I went back right to the bottom (cringe I know) and then I accidentally liked a video from like 2013 when we were in 2016.
It was so awkward and I was so embarrassed that I got my best friend to like the exact same video so I wouldn’t look like the only one stalking their insta profile. That is true friendship right there!! Worst part was that we had to see him in sixth form the next day...” – Cally
"It was back in my uni days and my best friend came to meet me for dinner. The restaurant was located in the basement and we needed to go down a long set of stairs to get to it. I took the first step and slipped - but because I didn't fully place my whole foot on the step, I slipped and literally fell all the way down to the end on the my bum, making a whole load of noise. When I got to the end, I was faced by all the customers who all turned round in shock, 2 waiters came running over to assist and the best part my friend was still at the top of the stairs - LAUGHING." - Julie from Raining Cake
“I was in The Mall once with my mum and we'd just stepped onto the descending escalator when she realised there was a shop on that floor that she'd forgotten to go in. I'm not quite sure what possessed her to do this but she decided to turn round and try and run up the descending escalator in sandals despite me telling her not to.
Next thing I know she's tripped, flown up in the air and landed on her knees. Her sunglasses went up a few steps and her dignity down a few - LOL. It felt like absolutely everyone was staring at us while she scrambled to get back onto her feet before reaching the bottom. On the way home we were both absolutely crying with laughter to the point we could barely see through our tears! Definitely a memory I'll never forget.” – Alice from Black Tulip Beauty